Not Game Over: A Digital Preservation Game Jam

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The ARA Section for Archives and Technology are hosting a Digital Preservation Game Jam in collaboration with the University College London Information Studies Department.

This day-long in-person workshop will allow participants to work in teams to create both digital and analogue games with the goal to create engaging resources that encourage people to become more familiar with digital preservation concepts. 

It is open to anyone with interest or enthusiasm in information studies, digital preservation or game creation.

Why should you attend? 

Game Jams are amazing places to meet and collaborate with others, network and create a product you can use! Digital preservation games can be an incredibly important tool for advocacy and encourage learning in an area often seen as intimidating or is overlooked. 

The event will be held on the UCL Bloomsbury Campus on the 10th May. No previous experience necessary! 

For more information and to register for your free ticket, please see the Eventbrite page



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