Archiving and Digital Preservation require international cooperation. For that reason, but also because we are preparing an application for the Data Seal of Approval (now Core Trust Seal), the National Archives of the Netherlands (NANETH) had several documents translated. Information about NANETH previously only available in Dutch is now also available in English.
The English version is a translation of the original in Dutch for information purposes only. In case of a discrepancy, the Dutch original will prevail.
The following documents, available at the pages the hyperlinks point to, were translated:
- Archiefvisie 2011 / Archive vision 2011.pdf:
- Opendatabeleid / National Archives of the Netherlands open collection data policy.pdf:
- Voorkeurs- en geaccepteerde formaten / National Archives of the Netherlands preferred and acceptable formats.pdf:
- Preservation policy / National Archives of the Netherlands preservation policy.pdf:
- Producten- en Dienstencatalogus / National Archives of the Netherlands products and services catalogue.pdf:
- Acquisitieprofiel particuliere archieven / National Archives of the Netherlands profile and policy private archives.pdf:
- Statuten / National Archives of the Netherlands statute.pdf:
- MARA / Netherlands Model Architecture for National Archival Institutions.pdf:
- Archiefwet 1995 / Netherlands Public Records Act 1995.pdf:
- Sjabloon-beslisdocument voor afspraken tussen zorgdrager en archiefinstelling over uit te plaatsen of over te brengen archief / National Archives of the Netherlands template decision document digital archives.pdf:
Although the documents are intended as ‘supporting documentation’ for the Core Trust Seal, having these documents available in English helped when we filled out a questionnaire of the Danish National Archives, informed a Polish archive researcher and contributed to the EU progress report 2015-2017 on Digital Cultural Heritage. We also shared some of the information in the OPF Archive Interest Group. The documents are freely available, so please take a look if you’re interested in learning more about NANETH.
February 26, 2018 @ 9:49 am CET
Please note that NANETH has launched a new website in January 2018. New English content will be published later this year. The translated documents for the CoreTrustSeal certification have been published here: