Demonstration of the GRATE-R format migration service at the upcoming OPF-Hackathon

Demonstration of the GRATE-R format migration service at the upcoming OPF-Hackathon

The GRATE-R, originally developed for PLANETS, utilises the idea of performing
 migration by interactive session replaying in emulated original environments.
 According to this approach the format migration process is carried out by
 computer interaction with the graphical user interface of the original,
 format-native applications. Their capability of exporting the loaded digital
 objects in a format other than their initial format is used. The order and
 nature of the input events necessary for this task are acquired once from the
 corresponding human interaction. The input events are then reproduced under the
 same or similar conditions for arbitrary digital objects subject to the same
 source-to-target migration. 

In a next step a prototypical service for the PLANETS IF and testbed was
 developed in the framework of a master thesis on the subject “Emulation
 Workflows in Digital Preservation” at Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg
 ( On the code level it represents the implementation
 of Migrate interface of Planets IF. Its compatibility with the Planets IF
 allows it to be combined with the other preservation tools forming more
 sophisticated workflows than only migration. The integration in the Planets
 Testbed is present at our demo installation and accessible via Internet.

For the demonstration at the Hackathon we have prerecorded manual user sessions
 performing the sample “WPD to RTF” (Word Perfect Document) and “SAM to
 (PDF+TXT)” (AMI PRO to both PDF and text) migrations, which we will use for
 unattended migrations of real DOs. If anyone has some meaningful sample files
 to test, we would be glad to have them. We hope to make the demos accessible
 for registered OPF members after the event.


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