EaaS: Image and Object Archive — Requirements, Implementation and Example Use-Cases

EaaS: Image and Object Archive — Requirements, Implementation and Example Use-Cases
bwFLA's Emulation-as-a-Service makes emulation widely available for non-experts and could prove emulation as a valuable tool in digital preservation workflows. Providing these emulation services to access preserved and archived digital objects poses further challenges to data management. Digital artifacts are usually stored and maintained in dedicated repositories and object owners want to or are required to stay in control over their intellectual property. This article discusses the problem of managing virtual images, i.e. virtual harddisks bootable by an emulator, and derivatives thereof but the solution proposed can be applied to any digital artifact.


Once a digital object is stored in an archive and an appropriate computing environment has been created for access, this environment should be immutable and should not be modified except explicitly by an administrational interface. This guarantees that a memory institution's digital assets are unaltered by the EaaS service and remain available in the future. Immutability, however, is not easy to handle for most emulated environments. Just booting the operating system may change an environment in unpredictable ways. When the emulated software writes parts of this data and reads it again, however, it probably expects the read data to represent the modifications. Furthermore, users that want to interact with the environment should be able to change or customize it. Therefore, data connectors have to provide write access for the emulation service while they cannot write the data back to the archive.
The distributed nature of the EaaS approach requires an  efficient network transport of data to allow for immediate data access and usability. However, digital objects stored in archives can be quite large in size. When representing a hard disk image, the installed operating system together with installed software can easily grow up to several GBs in size. Even with today's network bandwidths, copying these digital objects in full to the EaaS service may take minutes and affects the user experience.
While the archived amount of data is usually large, the data that is actually accessed frequently can be very small. In a typical emulator scenario, read access to virtual hard disk images is block-aligned and only very few blocks are actually read by the emulated system. Transferring only these blocks instead of the whole disk image file is typically more efficient, especially for larger files.
Therefore, the network transport protocol has to support random seeks and sparse reads without the need for actually copying the whole data file. While direct filesystem access provides these features if a digital object is locally available to the EaaS service, such access it is not available in the general case of separate emulation and archive servers that are connected via the internet.


The Network Block Device (NBD) protocol provides a simple client/server architecture that allows direct access to single digital objects as well as random access to the data stream within these objects. Furthermore, it can be completely implemented in userspace and does not require a complex software infrastructure to be deployed to the archives. 
In order to access digital objects, the emulation environment needs to reference these objects in the emulation environment. Individual objects are identified in the NBD server by using unique export names. While the NBD URL schema directly identifies the digital object and the archive where the digital object can be found, the data references are bound to the actual network location. In a long-term preservation scenario, where emulation environments, once curated, should last longer than a single computer system that acts as the NBD server, this approach has obvious drawbacks. Furthermore, the cloud structure of EaaS allows for interchanging any component that participates in the preservation effort, thus allowing for load balancing and fail-safety. This advantage of distributed systems is offset by static, hostname-bound references.

Handle It!

To detach the references from the object's network location, the Handle System is used as persistent object identifier throughout our reference implementation. The Handle System provides a complete technological framework to deal with these identifiers (or "Handles'' (HDL) in the Handle System) and constitutes a federated infrastructure that allows the resolution of individual Handles using decentralized Handle Services. Each institution that wants to participate in the Handle System is assigned a prefix and can host a Handle Service. Handles are then resolved by a central resolver by forwarding requests to these services according to the Handle's prefix. As the Handle System, as a sole technological provider, does not pose any strict requirements to the data associated with Handles, this system was used as a PI technology.

Persistent User Sessions and Derivatives

As digital objects (in this case the virtual disk image) are not to be modified directly in the archive by the EaaS service, a mechanism to store modifications locally  while reading unchanged data from the archive has to be implemented. Such a transparent write mechanism can be achieved using a copy-on-write access strategy. While NBD allows for arbitrary parts of the data to be read upon request, not requiring any data to be provided locally, data that is written through the data connector is tracked and stored in a local data structure. If a read operation requests a part of data that is already in this data structure, the previously changed version of the data should be returned to the emulation component. Similarly, parts of data that are not in this data structure were never modified and must be read from the original archive server. Over time, a running user session has its own local version of the data, but only those parts of data that were written are actually copied.
We used the qcow2 container format from the QEMU project to keep track of local changes to the digital object. Besides supporting copy-on-write, it features an open documentation as well as a widely used and tested reference implementation with a comprehensive API, the QEMU Block Driver. The qcow2 format allows to store all changed data blocks and the respective metadata for tracking these changes in a single file. To define where the original blocks (before copy-on-write) can be found, a backing file definition is used. The Block Driver API provides a continuous view on this qcow2 container,  transparently choosing either the backing file or the copy-on-write data structures as source.
This mechanism allows modifications of data to be stored separately and independent from the original digital object during an EaaS user session, allowing to keep every digital object in its original state as it was preserved  Once the session has finished, these changes can be retrieved from the emulation component and used to create a new, derived data object. As any Block Driver format is allowed in the backing file of a qcow2 container, the backing file can also be a qcow2 container again. This allows „chaining" a series of modifications as copy-on-write files that only contain the actually modified data. This greatly facilitates efficient storage of derived environments as a single qcow2 container can directly be used in a binding without having to combine the original data and the modifications to a  consolidated stream of data. However, this makes such bindings rely not only on the availability of the qcow2 container with the modifications, but also on the original data the qcow2 container refers to. Therefore, consolidation is still possible and directly supported by the tools that QEMU provides to handle qcow2 files.
Once the data modifications and the changed emulation environment are retrieved after a session, both can be stored again in an archive to make this derivate environment available. Only those chunks of data that actually  were changed by the user have to be retrieved. These, however, reference and  remain dependent on the original, unmodified digital object. The derivate can then be accessed like any other archived environment. Since all derivate environments contain (stable) references to their backing files, modifications can be stored in  a different image archive, as long as the backing file is available. Therefore, each object owner is in charge for providing storage for individualized system environments but is also  able to protect its modification without loosing the benefits of shared base images.

Examples and Use-Cases

To provide a better understanding of the image archive implementation, the following three use-cases demonstrate how the current implementation works. Firstly, a so called derivative is created, a tailored system environment suitable to render a specific object. In a second scenario, a container object (CD-ROM) is injected into the environment which is then modified for object access, i.e. installation of a  viewer application and adding the object to the autostart folder. Finally, an existing harddisk image (e.g. an image copy of a real machine) is ingested into the system. This last case requires, besides the technical configuration of the hardware environment, private files to be removed before public access.

Derivatives Tailored Runtime Environments

Typically, an EaaS provider provides a set of so-called base images. These images contain a basic OS installation which has been configured to be run on a certain emulated platform. Depending on the user's requirements, additional software and/or configuration may be required, e.g. the installation of certain software frameworks or text processing or image manipulation software. This can be done by uploading or making available a software installation package. On our current demo instance this is done either by uploading individual files or a CD ISO image. Once the software is installed the modified environment can be saved and made accessible for object rendering or similar purposes.

Object Specific Customization

In case of complex CD-ROM objects with rich multimedia content from the 90s and early 2000s, e.g. encyclopedias and teaching software, typically a custom viewer application has to be installed to be able to render its content. For these objects, an already prepared environment (installed software, autostart of the application) would be useful and would surely improve the user experience during access as „implicit“ knowledge on using an outdated environment is not required anymore to make use of the object. Since the number of archived media is large, duplicating for instance a Microsoft Windows environment for every one of them would add a few GBs of data to each object. Usually, neither the object’s information content nor the current or expected user demand justify these extra costs. Using derivatives of base images, however, only a few MBs are required for each customized environment since only changed parts of the virtual image are to be stored for each object. In the case of the aforementioned collection of multimedia CD-ROMs, the derivate size varies between 348KBs and 54MBs. 


Authentic Archiving and Restricted Access to Existing Computers

Sometimes it makes sense to preserve a complete user system like the personal computer of Vilèm Flusser in the Vilèm Flusser Archive. Such complete system environments usually can be achieved by creating a hard disk image of the existing computer and use this image as the virtual hard disk for EaaS. Such hard disk images can, however, contain personal data of the computer's owner. While EaaS aims at providing interactive access to complete software environments, it is impossible to restrict this "interactiveness", e.g. to forbid access to a certain directory directly from the user interface. Instead, our approach to this problem is to create a derivative work with all the personal data being stripped from the system. This allows users with sufficient access permissions (e.g. family or close friends) to access the original system including personal data, while the general public access only sees a computer with all the personal data removed.


With our distributed architecture and an efficient network transport protocol, we are able to provide Emulation as a Service quite efficiently while at the same time allowing owners of digital objects to remain in complete control over their intellectual property. Using copy-on-write technology it is possible to create a multitude of different configurations and flavors of the same system with only minimal storage requirements. Derivatives and their respective "parent" system can be handled completely independent from each other and withdrawing access permissions for a parent will automatically invalidate all existing derivatives. This allows for a very efficient and flexible handling of curation processes that involve the installation of (licensed) software, personal information and user customizations.

Open Planets members can test aforementioned features using the bwFLA demo instance. Get the password here: http://wiki.opf-labs.org/display/PT/bwFLA+test+demo+instance


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