Ideas for actions

Ideas for actions

Further to the discussions in the practitioners’ group on day 2 and 3 of the database archiving Hackathon, here are a few thoughts and ideas that we could consider: 1. Agree on a standard format for database preservation. The format should not be a SIP-format but a preservation format that can be implemented in the SIP-standards of the various memory institutions. Most obvious candidate is the SIARD format. Action: Establish a working group to look at SIARD, the Danish implementation (SIARDK) and RODA’s DBML to see if it is possible to establish common ground. Put the idea forward in relevant fora, including the EC. 2. Make sure that relevant tools for the creation, validation of and access to database SIP’s as far as possible are available on the OPF ressource page. Action: If you make a tool available online, please remember to share it on the OPF ressource page 3. Establish an online working group to revise the Planet’s paper on Preservation of Database, including a closer look at the signifikant properties of databases. Action: find volunteers and set up the working group 4.. Share experiences and cases about the situations where the memory institutions work with appraisal of databases and transfer, validation of and access to database SIP’s/AIP’s/DIP’s. Points to be discussed could include: A. What can/should the archives do in terms of helping records creators improve database design to facilitate archiving B. What are the possible ways to archive information from the database (all tables, some tables, an extract of the most important records…)? Pros and cons? C. How do we improve authenticity, e.g. how do we make sure that all relevant information is transferred? Any good ways to make sure that the transferred information is an accurate representation of the information in the database of the records creators? Action: facilitate the discussion by setting up a structure and agree on how to use it.


1 Comment

  1. jcr
    February 9, 2012 @ 1:06 pm CET

    I think some comparaison work should be done.

    In order to proceed that line I propose the creation of some kind of a wiki page where we would collect information about all the formats being used: SIARD, SIARDK, DBML, the sweddish format, …

    In this page we should have an “Open issues section”. The first entry of this section would be “A survey and comparaison study of the various formats”. This is an interesting research topic that should be delivered to a phd or msc student or to someone interested in doing it.

    From there we could reach some conclusions and take further action.

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