Improved identification of XML: a Python experiment

Improved identification of XML: a Python experiment

As a part of the SCAPE project, I’m currently heavily involved in the evaluation of various file format identification tools. The overall aim of this work is to determine which tools are suitable candidates for inclusion in the SCAPE architecture. In addition, we’re also trying to get a better idea of each tool’s specific strengths and weaknesses, which will hopefully serve as useful input to the developers community. We’re actually planning to publish the first results of this work on the OPF blog some time soon, so you may want to keep your eyes peeled for that.

Identification using byte signatures

In this blog entry I will focus on one particular area in which most identification tools appear to be struggling: the identification of XML files. Most identification tools try to establish a file’s format by looking for characteristic byte sequences, or ‘signatures’. Examples of tools that use this approach are DROID, Fido and the Unix File tool. Signature-based identification works well for most binary formats, but for text-based formats the results are often less reliable. This also applies to XML. Signature-based tools typically identify XML by the presence of an XML declaration, which, in its simplest form, looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

The problem is that not all XML files actually contain an XML declaration. Also, the use of an XML declaration is not mandatory. The XML specification states that for a file to qualify as “valid” XML it should contain the declaration. This merely means that the use of the declaration is recommended (which follows from the use of the word “should” and not “must”). XML files that don’t contain the declaration are by definition not “valid”, but they may still be “well-formed”.

However, if (part of) the declaration is used as a signature, this means that any files that don’t have the declaration will not be identified as XML by any of the above tools. This is exactly what happened in our tests for DROID, Fido and the Unix File tool. DROID and Fido simply leave such files unidentified, whereas the Unix File tool identifies them as ‘plain text’ (which, of course, is correct at a lower level, but not very helpful). Unfortunately, such files are pretty common in practice.

Using an XML parser to identify XML

A different approach to identify these files would be to run them through an XML parser. If a parser can make sense of a file’s contents this means it is well-formed (but not necessarily valid!) XML. In all other cases, it’s something else.

I ended up writing some Python code to see how this would work in practice. I first created two re-usable Python functions that check any given file for well-formedness using Python’s highly performant ‘expat’ parser (based on original code by Farhad Fouladi). I then wrote a simple command-line application around it, which is called “”. The demo can be used to analyse one file at a time, or, alternatively, all files in a directory tree. The output is a formatted text file that contains, for each analysed file, the identification result (which is either “isXML” or “noXML”).

I was surprised at how fast the XML parsing actually is. To give an indication, I used “” to analyse a 1.15 GB dataset that contains 11,892 file objects. I ran this experiment under Microsoft Windows XP Professional using a PC with a 3 Ghz GenuineIntel processor and 1 GB RAM. The total time needed to analyse all files was about 90 seconds, which corresponds to an average throughput of about 131 files per second. The test dataset used contains a large number of metadata files in XML format that do not contain an XML declaration. As a result, neither DROID 6, Fido or the Unix File tool are able to correctly identify these files. With my script these files were all correctly identified, except for one. Upon closer inspection, this file turned out to contain a malformed XML tag.

XML parsing in Fido?

Since the core functions that do the actual XML parsing are completely reusable, it would probably be fairly easy to incorporate this kind of identification into Fido. This would obviously have some impact on Fido’s performance, but not by very much. XML parsing could also be offered as an option. In that case, the decision on whether to parse or not to parse is up to the user.

An obvious limitation of this approach is that it will not identify XML that is not well-formed. Also, it makes the line between identification and validation somewhat blurry, but in practical terms that shouldn’t be a real problem. Finally, one could argue that knowing that a file contains XML is not very informative at all, since it is merely a container for something else.  This was the subject of an earlier blog post by Asger Blekinge. However, even then, identifying the container is a necessary first step, and one that the current tools don’t seem to be too good at yet.


For those who want to do some tests for themselves, I have attached the demo script to this post. The ZIP file contains the Python script with its  documentation in PDF format. If you end up with any interesting results, or if you have any other thoughts on this: please report back in the comments!


Johan van der Knijff

KB  / National Library of the Netherlands

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