PREMIS awarded the DPC 20th Anniversary Award

PREMIS awarded the DPC 20th Anniversary Award

Have you been thinking about what Micky Lindlar wrote in the blog post “PREMIS for All, For Good, Forever!”? I have! And it most certainly aided me in understanding what happened at the award ceremony at iPres 2022 in Glasgow!

A Winner Ribbon with a golden center with the logo of the DPC surrounded by a green ribbon.


The road to the award ceremony

Let’s start from the beginning of this award story. We are in early 2022 and the PREMIS EC followed Micky’s suggestion and are grateful for their aid in writing. So the application for the DPC 20th Anniversary Award was created during the spring time. We got to know that we were one of three finalists based upon the reviews of the applications. Next step was the invite to make an interview with the judges in early June. The interview went well but we still knew nothing, it was really silent. No gossip flew around. The anticipation was real! Then we got invited to the award ceremony and still we didn’t know the result. How to plan for iPres 2022 with an award ceremony with unknown result to attend?

Including all the award ceremony

Eld Zierau from the Royal Danish Library planned the way of how we could include all in the ceremony. Eld planned for celebrating all! And all is really all! All is the members of the EC both current and previous ones and the user community. We cant miss the user community! Without the user community PREMIS wouldn’t be around and wouldn’t be the glue all uses to keep all the preservation metadata together. The result a detachable skirt with portraits of all!

Tack, Eld!

The award ceremony

The wait was long, a lot of prices to celebrate! Our award presenters Kevin Ashley and Edith Halvarsson announced all the finalist for the DPC 20th Anniversary Award. Who of the three finalist would get the award? The golden envelop was opened and PREMIS was announced as the winners!

An image with the two award presenters surrounding three PREMIS EC members holding the tribute to all EC members in form of medallions with portraits and the DPC award and diploma.
The award presenters Kevin Ashley and Edith Halvarsson surrounding PREMIS EC chair Karin Bredenberg (Sydarkivera) and the EC members, Eld Zierau (The Royal Danish Library) and Micky Lindlar (TIB).

Proud! Proud! Proud!

We are proud to be the recipients and it gives us a lot of encouragement in knowing that we are taking care of the glue of digital preservation!

The chair of PREMIS EC gives a thanj you speach with two EC meembers in the background.
Me as the proud chair of PREMIS EC giving my thanks to all EC members, our employers for letting us do the work and the users for the award!

Next steps

Now the PREMIS EC will continue the work outlined in the previous blog post! The goal to be the glue for a long time!


If you want to see the whole ceremony, you can find it here and if you just want to see us being surprised with the award fast forward to about the 54th minute.


All photos courtesy of the Digital Preservation Coalition.


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