The kick-off meeting of the Succeed project ( took place last Friday, February 1, in Paris.
Succeed is a project coordinated by the Universidad de Alicante and supported by the European Commission with a contribution of 1.8 mio. €.
The core objective of Succeed is to promote the take-up of the research results generated by technological companies and research centres in Europe in a strategic field for Europe: digitisation and preservation of its cultural heritage.
Succeed will foster the take-up of the most recent tools and techniques by libraries, museums and archives through the organisation of meetings of experts in digitisation, competitions to evaluate techniques, technical conferences to broadcast results and through the maintenance of an online platform for the demonstration and evaluation of tools.
In addition to the University of Alicante, the consortium includes the following European institutions: the National Library of the Netherlands, the Dutch Institute of Lexicology, the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the Poznań Supercomputing Centre, the University of Salford, the Foundation Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Savedra, the French National Library and the British Library.
For additional information, please contact Rafael Carrasco (Universidad de Alicante) or send an email to
[email protected].