The International Atomic Energy Agency Archives and Records Management Section joins the Open Preservation Foundation

The Open Preservation Foundation is pleased to welcome the International Atomic Energy Agency Archives and Records Management Section as our latest affiliate member.

The International Atomic Energy Agency Archives and Records Management Section (IAEA) manages the Agency’s institutional memory and preserves the official records documenting its programme activities and its historical material in a variety of media. It maintains the availability and authenticity of IAEA records, providing for continuity and enabling accountability while ensuring confidentiality.

In order to ensure the accessibility, usability and digital continuity of our holdings, the IAEA is increasingly engaging in a variety of projects working towards establishing a digital long-term preservation environment.

We use a number of valuable resources provided by the OPF” explains Gabriella Ivacs, Section Head of the Archives and Records Management Section. “We attend OPF webinars and are users of the OPF’s tools, including JHOVE. It became clear that we could benefit from membership while supporting the development and sustainability of these resources”.

Martin Wrigley, Executive Director of the OPF said:

We are delighted to welcome the International Atomic Energy Agency Archives to the OPF and look forward to working with them to use OPF tools and resources to help support their digital preservation infrastructure.”

The IAEA joins our members from archives, libraries, research institutions, universities, and service providers collaborating to advance digital preservation knowledge and technology.

For more information about the IAEA visit:

To find out more about the benefits of becoming an OPF member and how to join visit:



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