Future of iPRES feedback survey

The iPres Working Group invites you to provide feedback on the Future of iPres, the international digital preservation conference.  We look forward to hearing from you!

As you may know, in September 2018 the iPres Steering Committee approved the convening of the iPres Working Group and at iPres 2019, we will share the outcome of our work: our proposed revision of the current iPres Steering Committee Charter and a set of recommendations about the future of iPres informed by your feedback. There are three phases to our work:

  •  Gathering your feedback and suggestions (this phase)
  •  Using your feedback to inform our work
  •  Sharing our outcomes with you at iPres 2019

Gathering your feedback and suggestions:  You are invited to share your feedback in two ways 1) responses to questions on the The Future of iPres feedback form and 2) suggestions and priorities for Revising the iPres Charter comment form. These two data gathering efforts are connected: your Future of iPres feedback will inform our revision of the Charter and your iPres Charter revision suggestions will contribute to our Future of iPres recommendations. We are sharing both forms together so you can complete either or both in whatever sequence works best for you.

  •  Future of iPres Feedback: We believe that you will be able to complete this in 15-25 minutes (or longer if you have lots of comments!). The form contains topics and questions about all aspects of iPres. If you have additional topics, issues, areas to suggest, please do – there’s space for that at the end of the feedback form!
  •  iPres Charter revision suggestions: Please share your feedback to inform our revision of the current charter. This comment form provides the text for each section of the current iPres Steering Committee Charter to review as you share your suggestions.

Deadline: please complete the feedback form and/or share your suggestions for revising the charter by 30th May 2019. We want to be sure to gather as much community feedback as possible, so let us know if more time to provide feedback would be helpful.

Next steps: We will work through all of the feedback we receive from you and use your feedback to inform our recommendations on the future of iPres and our proposed revision of the iPres charter. If you are thinking, ‘what I would really like to do is dive in and comment on the charter directly in a collaborative review process’ you will have an opportunity to comment on our proposed charter revision – that will come next: watch for updates (see workplan)!

Your feedback is invaluable and will benefit the community in the near-term and beyond. We are grateful for your time and your thoughtful suggestions.

Thank you!

On behalf of the
iPres Working Group



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