fido 1.3.3 released

We are pleased to announce the latest release of fido (format identification of digital objects) is now available. Version 1.3.3 has the following features and enhancements:

  • Update to the latest PRONOM signature file, version 84, released in January 2016. PRONOM v.84 includes updates to container signatures
  • Support for python3 and should work with python3 and 2.7
  • Improved support for Container formats (OLE and zip)
    • In earlier releases, a number of Microsoft Office formats were mis-identified as fmt/111 (OLE container)
  • Bugfixes, added tests, improved packaging

Download the latest version of fido at:

fido is maintained by Artefactual ( as part of their affiliate membership of the Foundation. fido can be automatically installed with Archivematica, but it is also available as a stand-alone command line tool and can be incorporated into other digital preservation systems.

There will be a free webinar on fido for format identification and why it matters on Tuesday 10 May at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CET /11:00 EST / 08:00 PST:



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