Watch Live: Meet eArchiving

The European Commission is hosting a CEF eArchiving event on 3-4 December in Brussels. Meet eArchiving offers the unique opportunity to learn how eArchiving can be used beyond traditional tools and how to overcome the implementation challenges. 

Due to popular demand, all places for the event have been filled and registration has now been closed. However, the event will be live-streamed on both Tuesday and WednesdayTune in to discover how eArchiving ensures that access to data remains secure, predictable and why it is a cornerstone of the Digital Single Market. 

Day 1 will introduce the CEF eArchiving Building Block. You will learn about the services it offers, discover concrete examples of its application and get an overview of how you can benefit from using CEF eArchiving. 

Day 2 will cover the ways in which specific sectors such as Geopreservation, eHealth and Finance can benefit from CEF eArchiving. Three different panels will be organised and the main conclusions will be shared among the participants.

To find out more, visit the event website.



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