CEF Telecom call for proposals: eArchiving

The 2020 CEF Telecom eArchiving call makes an indicative €1 million of funding available for eArchiving.

  • Deadline for submission: 5 November 2020
  • Evaluation of proposals: November 2020 – January 2021
  • Adoption of the Selection Decision: April 2021
  • Preparation and signature of grant agreements: Between May and August 2021

The call covers funding in three key areas: adaptation of existing digital  archives and repositories; acquisition or renting of archive hosting and/or knowledge sharing and training activities.

This funding will focus on domains that need digital preservation services and tools other than national archives, such as digital libraries, justice, finance, environment etc. It will also aim to stimulate the integration of eArchiving tools and services with other CEF building blocks and other digital service infrastructures that can benefit from them.

In terms of eligibility, only those proposals  submitted  by  the  following types of applicants are eligible:

  • Applications from one or more Member State(s);
  • Applications with the  agreement of the Member State(s) or EEA countr(y)ies concerned, international organisations, Joint Undertakings, or public or private undertakings or bodies established in a Member State.

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